Banner Frits van Coevorden

Surgeons and their partners in sarcoma treatment, a matter of choice

13 sep. 2019 09:15 - 19:00


Wat kunt u verwachten op 13 september 2019?

Na bijna 30 jaar in het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek gewerkt te hebben als chirurg neemt Frits van Coevorden afscheid van het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. We gaan Frits van Coevorden erg missen en willen iedereen de gelegenheid geven om afscheid van hem te nemen. U bent daarom van harte welkom op het afscheidssymposium over sarcomen en GIST-behandeling. Vanaf 17:30 uur is er een uitgebreide receptie.

Het ABAN heeft 5 accreditatiepunten toegekend aan dit symposium.


09:15 - 09:45
Welcome, registration, coffee

09:45 - 10:00
Prof. dr. Geerard Beets

10:00 - 10:25
Sarcoma surgeons prepare their operations; do they have any idea what they are looking at?
Dr. Christina Messiou

10:25 - 10:50
Sarcoma surgeons prepare their operations; do they need neoadjuvant radiotherapy?
Dr. Rick Haas

10:50 - 11:15
Sarcoma surgeons prepare their operations; do they need neoadjuvant chemotherapy?
Prof. dr. Winette van der Graaf

11:15 - 11:40
Coffee break

11:40 - 12:05
Surgeons performed their sarcoma operations; do they have any idea about margins?
Prof. dr. Raphael Pollock

12:05 - 12:30
Surgeons have performed their sarcoma operations; do they have any idea what they have taken out?
Prof. dr. Judith Bovée

12:30 - 13.30

13.30 - 13:55
What if surgeons cannot perform their sarcoma operations; ILP?
Dr. Winan van Houdt

13.55 - 14:20
Though extremely unlikely, but what if surgeons fail; local relapse management?
Dr. Alessandro Gronchi

14.20 -14:45
Do surgeons have a role in metastases management?
Dr. Houke Klomp

14.45 -15:15
Coffee break

15.15 - 16.00
The Battle: case discussions
Whole panel

16.00 - 16.15
Bloedgabbers, brothers in arms
Prof. dr. Simon Horenblas

16.15 - 16:35
The sarcoma world before Frits, during Frits and after Frits
Dr. Frits van Coevorden

16.35 - 17.10
Wrap up; the AVL sarcoma team before Frits, with Frits and after Frits
Dr. Rick Haas

17.10 - 17.30
Over grote zaken en die dingen die voorbijgaan
Prof. dr. Emiel Rutgers

17.30 - 17:40
Say good bye and Thank You So Much
Prof. dr. Emile Voest

17:40 - 19:00
Goodbye Frits

Information in English

Scientific symposium sarcomas and GIST

Scientific symposium sarcomas and GIST, on the occasion of the farewell of Dr. Frits van Coevorden, surgical oncologist “Surgeons and their partners in sarcoma treatment, a matter of choice”


Prof. Dr. Geerard L. Beets, MD PhD, Chair Department of Surgical Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Prof. Dr. Judith Bovée, MD PhD, clinician scientist at the Department of Pathology, Leids Universitai Medisch Centrum, Leiden

Prof. Dr. Winette van der Graaf, MD PhD, Professor of Personalized and Translational Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Dr. Alessandro Gronchi, MD PhD, surgical oncologist, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano | Istituto Tumori di Milano, Italy

Dr. Rick Haas, MD PhD, radiation oncologist, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Dr. Winan J. van Houdt, MD PhD MSc, surgical oncologist, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Dr. Houke Klomp, MD PhD, surgical oncologist, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Dr. Christina Messiou, consultant radiologist, MD BMedSci BMBS MRCP FRCR, The Royal Marsden, London

Prof. Dr. Raphael Pollock, MD PhD, surgical oncologist, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC), Columbus (OH)

Prof. Dr. Emiel Rutgers, MD PhD, surgical oncologist, The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Prof. Dr. Emile Voest, MD PhD, medical oncologist, translational scientist and medical director of the Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Prof. Dr. Simon Horenblas, MD PhD, urologist

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