
Meet up Artificial Intelligence in huidige ziekenhuiszorg

2 sep. 2019 17:00

Alhier, Aldaar. Het wordt overal geroepen: artificial intelligence (AI) gaat de zorg veranderen. Maar hoe beïnvloedt het de ziekenhuiszorg van vandaag? Op maandagavond 2 september nodigen we in samenwerking met verschillende sprekers uit om het hierover te hebben. We verwelkomen iedereen, zowel clinici, technici, onderzoekers als management.

Het event is gratis te bezoeken en Engelstalig. Scroll down for English.



Inloop, pizza’s en drankjes in Tiffany’s


Korte introductie in het PBA




Erik Ranschaert en Laurens Topff, Impact van AI op de radiologie - Erik en Laurens zullen kort toelichten wat AI nu eigenlijk is en wat de impact daarvan zal zijn op een klinische afdeling zoals de radiologie. Verder lichten ze toe hoe de radiologie afdeling in het AVL AI gaat inzetten om de zorg te verbeteren.





Patrick Gonzalez en Pavlos Papaconstadopoulos, From import datascience - Patrick en Pavlos hebben in het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een error detectiesysteem om radiotherapeuten te helpen met het annoteren van CT’s. In hun verhaal zullen ze ingaan op het project, zowel de inhoud als op de uitdagingen, successen en valkuilen die ze zijn tegengekomen bij het implementeren van een data science project in de klinische omgeving.


Pauze in Tiffany’s




Bart-Jan Verhoeff, Zelf machine learning modellen ontwikkelen: voorspellen van heropnames - Diverse zorginstellingen zijn zelf bezig met het ontwikkelen van machine learning modellen. In de meeste gevallen betreft het een samenwerking met een software leverancier waarbij de daadwerkelijke ontwikkeling door de leverancier gedaan wordt. Bart-Jan bespreekt wat nodig is voor het zelf ontwikkelen van machine learning modellen en het gebruik ervan in een zorginstelling, aan de hand van een door hem ontwikkeld model dat heropnames na ontslag uit het ziekenhuis voorspelt.



Paneldiscussie met de sprekers van de avond en Irith Krist, Functionaris gegevensbescherming - We stellen uw input op prijs en vragen u dan ook alvast uw prangende vragen bij inschrijving door te geven en maak daarbij kans op het boek Deep Medicine van Eric Topol!


Borrel in Tiffany’s

Dit is een openbaar evenement gehost door het AVL. U kunt de link van inschrijving dan ook delen met geïnteresseerden buiten het ziekenhuis.

Meer informatie

Voor meer informatie over de Meet up AI en/of vragen over uw inschrijving, kunt u contact opnemen met Renske Muns-de Jong of Caroline van Balen, Symposiumdesk AVL Academie, telefoon: 020 512 1543/2923 of e-mail:

Information in English

Artificial Intelligence in Hospital Care

AI here, AI there. The term is being used everywhere: artificial intelligence (AI) is going to change healthcare. But how is the current hospital care impacted by this new technology? On Monday evening 2nd of September, we invite you to join the conversation. In collaboration with, the Netherlands Cancer Institute has invited several speakers to explore this topic. We welcome everybody: clinicians, engineers, researchers and management. Attending the event is free of charge and talks will be in English.

What, where, when?

Monday, September 2 - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Piet Borst Auditorium

This is a public event hosted by the Netherlands Cancer Institute. You can share the sign-up link with others outside of the hospital.


Walk-in, pizzas and drinks at Tiffany’s


Short introduction at PBA


Erik Ranschaert &Laurens Topff, Impact of AI on radiology - Erik and Laurens shall give an explanation on what AI actually is and what the impact is going to be on a clinical department such as radiology. Furthermore, they will address the current plans the AVL radiology department has, to improve healthcare by applying AI.


Patrick en Pavlos, From import datascience - Patrick and Pavlos have worked on developing an anomaly detection system to aid radiotherapists in the task of CT annotations. In this talk they will tell about the project and give an overview of the challenges, successes and pitfalls of implementing a data science project in a clinical environment.


Break at Tiffany’s


Bart-Jan Verhoeff -  To be announced



Panel with the speakers and Irith Krist, Data Protection Officer - We appreciate your input and ask you to share your questions with us regarding this topic when signing up for the event. If you do, you are in the race to win the book Deep Medicine by Eric Topol!


Drinks at Tiffany’s

The speakers

Patrick Gonzalez:

After his PhD and a postdoc (both in the field of theoretical high energy physics) at RWTH Aachen University the question “ What might a physicist do in a hospital?”  led him to the department of radiotherapy at the NKI-AvL. After three years of working as a postdoc in the EPID dosimetry group, the question  “Am I still motivated enough?”  led him to a small existential crisis. Crises however, are to be overcome. And so he overcame. He restarted working at the department of radiotherapy at the NKI-AvL where he now divides his attention between brachytherapy and the newly started data science group, hoping to finally answer, yet another question: “What meaning can we extract from our clinical data?”

Pavlos Papaconstadopoulos:

Pavlos works at the NKI radiotherapy department as a data scientist. Following a PhD in Medical Physics at McGill University in Canada he worked for a few years as a clinical physicist in Montreal before joining the NKI Data Science team. During that time he had the opportunity to witness “first-hand” the great opportunities that data science can offer in a clinical setting, but also how much healthcare lags behind in this area. Currently, at the NKI, he works on changing that. The team focuses on bridging the gap between research and clinic by building pragmatic data science pipelines that will assist the clinician in his every-day decision-making

Erik Ranscheart: 

Erik is a radiologist with a strong interest in imaging informatics. He is a pioneer in European teleradiology and CMO of in that field. Furthermore he is president of EuSoMII (European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics). His mission is to motivate radiologists, IT-professionals and industrial stakeholders to join forces, with the goal of improving the quality and efficiency of medical services for the patient through new e-Health applications.

Bart-Jan Verhoeff:

Bart-Jan is an internist-nephrologist and CMIO in the St. Jansdal hospital in Harderwijk. He has the unique combination of in-depth knowledge of software development and experience with and knowledge of the medical profession. Bart-Jan uses this expertise to connect healthcare and IT. An important part of this is the use of electronic health record (EHR) data to improve quality and efficiency of healthcare. One of his goals is to make the development of machine learning algorithms accessible for all hospitals. In this way all patients could profit from the advantages of data-driven medicine. Check out his (Dutch) blog:

Irith Kist: 

Irith Kist is data protection officer at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. She holds a triple master’s degree in international and European law, tax law and political science. She is a renowned speaker at international privacy and health conferences during which she addresses the legal questions of privacy, data protection vis-à-vis research and innovation. Irith is in for a detailed discussion at the merits whilst always considering the pragmatic approach. Irith looks forward to a fruitful debate and is readily available for any questions in this field.

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