amsterdamse grachten

ESLAV-ECLAM Summer School

19 jun. 2024 09:00 - 21 jun. 2024 16:00

From 19 - 21 June 2024 the ESLAV-ECLAM Summer School will be organized at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in close collaboration with the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience.

The 2024 ESLAV-ECAM Summer School is focused on animal facility management. The topics cover old and new challenges that facility managers face, such as environmental impact of the activities, personnel management and compassion fatigue, communication to layman as well as policy makers, data management and business development.

Speakers from both Europe and the US will guide workshops and provide scenarios, to maximize the interactive sessions.

We are confident that all the speakers would inspire attendees with ideas that can be put into practice at different scale levels in animal facilities.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam!


  • Building construction & maintenance
  • Health & Safety
  • Sustainability/footprint of animal facilities
  • Finance
  • Communications
  • Team Management
  • Training




Have a look at our program!


  • ESLAV members: Euro 500
  • non-ESLAV members: Euro 700

Registration can be done via: or via the registration button in the banner here above.


Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Plesmanlaan 121
1066CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Travel information

If you travel from abroad and need hotel accommodation, we have made a group reservation at the Corendon City hotel that you can make use of. Details and the link to the reservation page will be shared with you when you've completed your registration to the summer school. 

If you're already in The Netherlands, you can find information how to come to the Institute and where to park via route AVL

Amsterdam information
Do you have any leisure time during your stay in Amsterdam, more information activities in Amsterdam can be found via this link
Contact details
If you have any questions or need any help, please send an e-mail to
The ESLAV-ECLAM Summer School is made possible by:

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