Marinka Hol PhD defense symposium on pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma

12 apr. 2024 09:00 - 14:00

Op 12 april 2024 promoveert Marinka Hol bij de UvA op haar onderzoek dat zij heeft gedaan naar late effecten van de behandeling van hoofd- hals rhabdomyosarcoom, een zeer zeldzame vorm van kanker bij kinderen. Het unieke aan haar werk is dat zij kinderen heeft onderzocht die met verschillende therapieën zijn behandeld in Europa (Amsterdam, Londen en Parijs) en de VS (Jacksonville, Florida). Alleen op deze wijze is het mogelijk geweest voldoende gegevens te verzamelen. Haar onderzoek heeft al geleid tot aanpassingen van de bestralingsvelden waardoor late stralingsschade beperkt kan blijven. Het onderzoek is mogelijk gemaakt door financiering van KIKA.


08.30 - 09.00: Registration and coffee

09.00 - 09.15: Welcome and Introduction by Dr. Marinka Hol and Professor Ludi Smeele

09.15 - 09.30: Orbital rhabdomyosarcoma by Professor Peeroz Saeed – orbital surgeon, ophthalmologist
Academic Medical Centers Amsterdam

09.30 - 09.45: Innovative solutions in pediatric oncologic surgery by Professor Marc Wijnen – pediatric surgeon Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric oncology

09.45 - 10.00: Sentinel node procedure by Associate professor Bart de Keizer - radiologist University Medical Center Utrecht

10.00 - 10.15: Image guided surgery by Professor Remco de Bree – head and neck oncologist University Medical Center Utrecht

10.15 - 10.45: Coffee break

10.45 - 11.00: Strengthening the evidence base for pediatric radiation oncology by Dr. Mark Gaze - clinical oncologist University College London/Great Ormond Street Hospital

11.00 - 11.15 Proton therapy for non- metastatic pediatric sarcoma by Professor Daniel Indelicato – radiation oncologist University of Florida Proton Therapy Center

11.15 - 11.30: Maximizing survival through consolidative radiation in metastatic pediatric sarcoma by
Associate professor Matthew Ladra – radiation oncologist Johns Hopkins Proton Therapy Center

11.30 - 11.45: The physics of late effects by Professor Marianne Aznar - physicist University of Manchester

11.45 -12.30: Lunch

12.30 -13.30: Travel to Marinka Hol's PhD defense, Aula Universiteit van Amsterdam, Oude Lutherse Kerk, Singel 411, Amsterdam. There is a direct connection by tram line 2 from the hospital.

14.00 onwards: PhD defense, doors closing at 13.45


Accreditation has been approved by ABAN for 2 points


The Netherlands Cancer Institute/Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital
Glazen Zaal
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands


If you travel by car, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek has a parking garage. For directions, please visit

If you travel by public transportation, the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek is also easily accessible. From Amsterdam Lelylaan, RAI, Zuid, Duivendrecht, or Sloterdijk stations, you can take metro 50 to the Heemstedestraat stop. From here, it is about a ten-minute walk. Alternatively, you can take tram 2 towards Nieuw-Sloten and alight at the Johan Huizingalaan stop.

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