

Despite the care provided by the authors and drafters of this website, the possibility of imperfections remains. The Netherlands Cancer Institute cannot be held accountable in any way for any damage that has occurred as a result of imperfections on its website. 

The website may contain links to informative sources that are not maintained by the Netherlands Cancer Institute itself. The Netherlands Cancer Institute is not responsible for any information found in these sources.


All rights reserved. Nothing from this website may be reproduced, saved in an automated database, or published in any way or form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Netherlands Cancer Institute. This site is not intended for commercial use.

Supported browsers

Our website supports most browsers The website may look different depending on your browser, primarily in terms of the alignment of certain images. 

For questions or more information: webredactie@nki.nl

MijnAVL (Patient portal)

The content at MijnAVL has been compiled with the greatest care. Despite this care, the possibility of inaccuracies remains. Rights cannot be derived from content found on MijnAVL. 

Perusal of medical files through MijnAVL serves informational purposes only. The Netherlands Cancer Institute cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur after perusal of the medical file at the MijnAVL patient portal. 

All components depicted in your medical file need to be considered in conjunction with other findings and results and may contain passages that require additional explanations. We recommend that you do not draw conclusions from the medical file alone and contact your practicing physician instead.

The Netherlands Cancer Institute cannot be held responsible for (exercise) recommendations obtained through questionnaires in MijnAVL if the questions were not answered correctly or if a recommendation is accepted without consideration for its general nature.

General conditions

These general conditions apply to every agreement concerning hospital admission, care, day or outpatient treatment, and/or research and all other agreements between the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) hospital and a patient or their legal representative, as well as all other agreements concerning the delivery of services or goods of which the Netherlands Cancer Institute foundation (NKI) research institute or hospital is part and to which these general conditions apply. 

Click here for a complete overview of the Netherlands Cancer Institute’s terms and conditions.

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

The Netherlands Cancer Institute greatly values the security of its (medical) devices, programs, and services. Despite taking great care to guarantee security, the possibility of vulnerabilities remains. If you discover such a vulnerability, please notify us privately through our Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. This allows the NKI to take protective measures. 

Vulnerability notification process

If you have discovered a vulnerability, please notify us immediately. That allows us to take measures immediately, if needed. The NKI wants to collaborate with you to better protect its clients and systems. 

Click here for more information about the notification process. 

Complaints procedure training programs, symposiums, seminars, and refresher courses organized by the NKI 

The procedure applies to complaints from external parties - not employees at the NKI - participating in trainings, symposiums, seminars, and refresher courses organized by the NKI. 

Click here to read our full complaints procedure.

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