Environment and sustainability

The Netherlands Cancer Institute is looking to find ways to deliver groundbreaking sustainable care and scientific research. This directly impacts our environment. The quality of the environment and the quality of life are closely connected. Sustainable and responsible business practices have our full attention. The Board of Directors accounts for these topics every year.

Duuzaamheidsbeleid foto

Green electricity

The NKI fully runs on green electricity. This conscious decision has decreased our carbon dioxide emissions by 70%. Our green electricity is 100% European wind energy. In 2018 our Ketelhuis has been renovated and turned into a modern power station, primarily to further sustainability. This power station allows us to minimize our carbon emissions. Read more about this power station here.

Milieuthermometer Zorg

Health care at the Netherlands Cancer Institute has been linked to care for the environment. We have included it in our environmental policy and express our views in our compliance with the guidelines as set by the Milieuthermometer Zorg In August 2020, we were granted 'silver' status during our most recent audit. Milieuthermometer Zorg has been developed by MPZ in collaboration with SMK (Stichting Milieukeur). Would you like to find out more? Read our Milieuthermometer Brochure.

Green Deal

In 2018, the NKI joined the Green Deal 2.0 Nederland for more sustainable health care. The government has developed this Green Deal in collaboration with parties from businesses, health care insurance, and health care institutions. Its goal is to increase sustainability in the health care industry by putting the importance of integral sustainable business operations on the agenda.