The Netherlands Cancer Institute's Patient Council (PaR)

The Patient Council advocates for the communal interests of patients receiving care at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. The council considers topics that are important to patients and offers advice - upon request and when necessary - to the Board of Directors. The Patient Council concerns itself with the following:

  • the patient's position
  • the quality of care and the protection thereof
  • policies that directly affect the patient's wellbeing (like nutrition, care, waitlists, and the way patients are treated)
  • complaint handling procedure and policy
  • general policy concerning the access to and end of care

Patient panel

Would you like to join us in our discussions about the quality of care and services at the Netherlands Cancer Institute?
Consider signing up for the patient panel.


The Patient Council meets once every month. All patients are welcome to view our work plan, regulations, and annual report. All recommendations provided have been included in the annual report.

→ Patient Council work plan (2021)
→ Institutional decisions
→ Institutional regulations 
→ Annual report 2020
→ Flyer Netherlands Cancer Institute Patient Council

Ideas and suggestions (share your experience)

The Patient Council would love to hear new ideas and suggestions from patients at the Netherlands Cancer Institute and their loved ones. You will soon be able to submit your experiences, comments, suggestions, or questions can be submitted to us through a form, but feel free to contact us by email or postal address in the meantime. Or consider dropping off your ideas in the Patient Council's Suggestion Box. You can find them at the clinic. If you want to receive a response, please remember to include your name, address, email address, or phone number.

No individual problems or complaints

The Patient Council does not concern itself with individual problems or complaints. If you have a complaint, please contact the Netherlands Cancer Institute Client Complaints Bureau. You can find the contact details and the procedure on the complaints handling page.

Contact details

Postal address:
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Attn. Ambtelijk Secretaris van de Patiëntenraad
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0)20 512 9111

Composition of the Patient Council

The Patient Council consists of up to 9 people; (ex) cancer patients, family members, or representatives of "Living with Cancer", previously known as the Dutch Federation of Cancer Patients - NFK).

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