There are several ways in which we can handle your complaint:
We will add your complaint to our hospital complaints registry. Your complaint will be treated as an alert to our organization that does not require an active response or report. We register all complaints and use them to improve the quality of our care and services.
Our complaints consultant can mediate to help you find a solution. if necessary, our complaints consultant can help you in your contact with your care provider(s).
The complaints consultant will present your complaint to the relevant member(s) of staff and supervisor, and will request a response. You will receive this response from the complaints consultant. if you want, the complaints consultant can facilitate discussion.
- As a recommendation for the internal complaints commission
if you want, or if you are not satisfied with the results of mediation between you and the involved party or parties, you can submit your complaint to our internal complaints committee. This committee has been instituted by the Board of Directors and consists of internal and external parties.
The committee will assess and handle your complaint by means of a hearing. They will notify the Board of Directors on the merits of your complaint and recommend further steps. The board of Directors will make the final call about your complaint.
The complaints committee will only handle written complaints. You can submit your complaint at or send it to The Netherlands Cancer Institute, attn. de ambtelijk secretaris Klachtencommissie, Postbus 90203, 1006 BE Amsterdam.
Please remember to include the following details:
- your name, initials, and date of birth;
- your address, postal code, e-mail address, and phone number;
- the name/role of the person or people and/or department(s) to whom the complaint is addressed;
- the date or time in which your issue arose;
- a short but succint description of your complaint;
- place and date.