DNA diagnostics Hereditary Cancer Clinic

The Hereditary Cancer Clinic (Polikliniek Familiaire Tumoren; PFT) was established at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in 1995. This center looks for potential hereditary predisposition for cancer in families. One of their services is DNA diagnostics: the examination of genetic material (usually DNA isolated from the blood). Specific gene mutations are involved in the development of certain types of cancer, such as hereditary breast or colon cancer. Some of the diagnostic techniques used during these examinations are Next GenerationSequencing, Sangersequencing, and MLPA.

Members of families with hereditary gene mutations can come in for a screening in which we will look for the presence of this same mutation. This screening will be done at our DNA diagnostics lab, which is part of the Pathology department, accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council (ISO standard 15189:2012)  The DNA diagnostics lab closely collaborates with the Molecular Diagnostics lab. This lab analyses tumors for a differential diagnosis or treatment response.

The DNA diagnostics lab consists of: analysts, administrative employees, a quality officer, clinical genetics laboratory specialists, and clinical molecular biologists. Only clinical genetics specialists can request oncogenetic diagnostics. 

Please find the links to the request form for DNA diagnostics below, together with other relevant information.

If your doctor did not find any abnormalities, you will receive your results immediately. If tissue biopsies were taken, you will receive the results of the analysis after approximately 10 weekdays. We will schedule a consultation with you to discuss the results at the clinic.