Penile cancer

Read more about the patient satisfaction rates, our specialists' expertise, innovations, and wait times for penile cancer treatment.

Oscar Brouwer met achtergrond hal
No other hospital in the Netherlands has as much experience in treating this rare tumor as we do.
Dr. Oscar Brouwer Urologist and head of the penile cancer treatment team

Patient satisfaction

Patient satisfaction rates are the opinions of our patients on the care and services they received at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Our patients named expertise, personal care, information, trust, and the possibility to be involved as important aspects in their ratings of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.


Patiënttevredenheid in het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

Patiënten beoordelen het Antoni van Leeuwenhoek met de volgende rapportcijfers.

Deel uw eigen ervaring
  • 8.9
  • 9.0
  • 9.1
  • 8.7
    Wensen bij keuze behandeling
  • 8.8
    Samen beslissen
Penskanker - patient video still
"The information I received before my robotic surgery was great: what could I expect and what were the consequences."
Dhr. Cornelissen Patient


Expertise is the experience and skill of our specialists, specific to this cancer type. We measure their expertise by keeping records of the numbers of patients treated, the numbers of patients requesting a second opinion, and the types of treatments being delivered.

The following data is based on the year 2015


  • 968

    patiënten met peniskanker per jaar
  • 192

    nieuwe patiënten per jaar

Further division by treatment type

The expertise of our team of specialists is based on the three main treatments: the number of patients receiving surgery, radiation, and/or treatment with cancer drugs. We will give you further insights into our experience per treatment.

Surgical treatments (most common)

  • 102

    (Gedeeltelijke) verwijdering van de penis
  • 92

  • 63

    Penissparende procedures (o.a. met lasertherapie)
  • 31


Radiation treatments (most common)

  • 31

    radiotherapeutische behandelingen
Floris Pos in gesprek (peniskanker)
Through constant innovation, we try to find the most optimal treatment for this rare tumor type.
dr. Floris Pos Radiation oncologist

Wait times

Our wait times are currently longer than we would like for certain treatments. Displayed below are the expected wait times.

Our physicians closely monitor whether the wait time is acceptable for you based on your situation and physical shape. The wait times may differ between patients if the situation requires it.


First appointment

Wait time until the first appointment

80% of our patients are seen within one week.


Establishing a treatment plan

Between your first visit to the clinic and the first diagnostics, there may be a period for additional tests, and for the specialists involved in the treatment to discuss and establish the treatment plan with the patient.

Start of treatment

Start of the treatment

Wait times until the start of the treatment

Our patients will start treatment within the following number of days: 

1. Surgical treatment:                 28-56 days

2. Chemoradiation treatment:          <14 days

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