Stomach cancer

Read more about the symptoms and the most commonly used diagnostic procedures and treatment options for stomach cancer on this page.

Causes of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is more common in men than in women. This cancer type is increasingly less common in the Netherlands and is much less common here than in Asia, for example.

The cause of stomach cancer is often unknown. One potential factor in its development is a stomach bacterium. STomach cvancer can be hereditary. Some people develop stomach cancer because of a genetic predisposition, although hereditary stomach cancer is very rare.

Common symptoms of stomach cancer

The symptoms of stomach cancer can be hard to recognize in the beginning. The stomach is a large organ, which means that a tumor can grow quite large before it starts causing symptoms. Patients usually experience vague symptoms like:

  • abdominal pain;
  • bloating;
  • discomfort after meals;
  • vomiting;
  • weight loss without a cause;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pale complexion;
  • fatigue (caused by anemia);
  • black stools;
  • vomiting (with or without blood) - if a tumor blocks the passage of the intestine.
Team Maagkanker Slokdarmkanker

Diagnosis for stomach cancer

The following tests may be done to confirm or rule out stomach cancer, and to assess its progression.


Treatment options for stomach cancer

Your exact treatment options will depend on the type and stage of your stomach tumor and your overall health and physical condition. We will tell you more about the procedure before your appointment, and you will have plenty of time to ask questions. Your treatment will most likely consist of one or more of the following options:

How to make an appointment or request a second opinion

Would you like to learn more about making an appointment about the NKI Center for Esophageal and stomach cancer? Or do you want to find out how to request a second opinion at the Netherlands Cancer Institute? Please read the pages below for more information:

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