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Er zijn 89 items gevonden
Martijn Stuiver Facesofnki
Quality of life / survivorship

FacesofNKI: meet group leader Martijn Stuiver

Hundreds of scientists at the Netherlands Cancer Institute dedicate their lives to finding ways to outsmart cancer. Meet grou…
30 Jan 2023 15:00
AVL Prijs Pataskar Abhijeet 20230116 01

Abhijeet Pataskar wins Antoni van Leeuwenhoek award 2022 with discovery of strange protein

Researcher Abhijeet Pataskar has been awarded the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek award 2022 for his groundbreaking discovery. Using c…
16 Jan 2023 19:00
Immuuntherapie Nki Still

New technique to detect T cells that recognize a patient’s tumor

Researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute have developed a new technique that can map out molecules on the tumor cells …
2 Jan 2023 17:00
Thumbnail Kwf Onderzoek Grant
Fundamental research

Six research teams can get started thanks to KWF support

Six teams will be able to get started on their new projects, as KWF Dutch Cancer Society announced today that it will fund th…
12 Jul 2022 16:08
Frederique Van Duijnhoven Still KWF Financiering

Nine new studies at the Netherlands Cancer Institute to receive Dutch Cancer Society funding

The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) has awarded grants to nine research teams at the Netherlands Cancer Institut…
21 Dec 2021 16:45
Chemotherapie Vrouw Verpleegkundige

Treatments at the Netherlands Cancer Institute not scaled down

Several media outlets have communicated on November 26 that the Minister of Health has announced phase 2D in health care. Thi…
26 Nov 2021 16:40
Emile Voest
Precision medicine

Dutch-Nordic Alliance for Precision Cancer Medicine launched

The Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland) are setting up national clinical precision cancer trials together…
26 Nov 2021 10:00
Cover Cell Final 5 (Fav)
Fundamental research

Cancer cell shuts the door on immune cell

Tumors bend over backward in their attempts to keep the immune system at bay. Scientists currently do not fully understand ho…
16 Nov 2021 17:00
Toediening Radium 223

Treatment with Lutetium-PSMA for metastatic prostate cancer increasingly available at the NKI

The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) is the first hospital in the Netherlands to offer Lutetium-PSMA therapy, covered by he…
16 Nov 2021 14:00
Collage Matthijs Valstar Blauw
image guided therapy

Thesis defense Matthijs Valstar - Research into salivary glands offers surprising perspective on radiotherapy for head and neck tumors

"Very little research has been done on salivary gland tumors, so there is a lot to discover – and that’s what I managed to do…
15 Nov 2021 12:00
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