Center for Quality of Life
Receiving cancer treatment at the Netherlands Cancer Institute can be stressful. The Center for Quality of Life offers support to patients and their loved ones during every stage of their treatment, including preparation, treatment, and aftercare. The experienced health care professionals from 14 different fields at the Center for Quality of Life are available to offer support in nearly every situation. We stay updated with the latest developments and innovations, and are often among the first to implement them.
We start by listening to you. How are you feeling? What challenges are you facing? What do you need? We consider not just your physical condition, but your entire situation, including your mental well-being. Are you having trouble sleeping? How is life at home? How is your support system handling your new circumstances? We make sure that we understand the complete picture and create a tailored plan together with you. Then we get to work. If it turns out that we need to make adjustments during your journey, we adapt the plan together with you.