Certain patient groups will see a dietitian at the Netherlands Cancer Institute as part of their treatment. Your appointment will be made for you and you won't need a referral.
The following patients will see a dietitian as part of their treatment:
- patients who are malnourished or risk malnourishment as a result of their treatment;
- patients with complex problems surrounding nutrition;
- patients experiencing unintended weight gain;
- patients in their final phase of life who are interested in a conversation on the role of nutrition.
If you have questions about nutrition but you do not have an appointment with a dietitian, you may be able to find answers on the website www.voedingenkankerinfo.nl (in Dutch). Your nurse or specialist can help you decide whether you are eligible for guidance from one of our dietitians at the hospital.
if you are not eligible, you can contact the dietitians at Malnucare at www.malnucare.nl. Malnucare is an information and treatment center that we collaborate with at the NKI. They have various consultation locations throughout the country, in North Holland, South Holland, Utrecht, Zeeland, North Brabant, Gelderland, Overijssel, Flevoland, and Drenthe. They can also visit you at home in these locations.
Or consider finding a dietitian using the website of the Dutch Dietitian Association (Nederlandse Vereniging van Diëtisten; www.nvdietist.nl). You can find a dietitian by entering your zip/postal code. We recommend asking the dietitian whether they have experience treating malnutrition as a result of illness before you schedule your first appointment.
You won't need a referral from your general practitioner or specialist to receive guidance from Malnucare or another dietitian in Dutch first-line health care. All costs will be covered by your basic insurance. Consult your insurance policy for more information about coverage.