Patient Information Center

If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer, you may be confronted with many uncertainties and a lot of new information. We can provide reliable information about the condition, the support that is available to you, and other practical information.

We are available on weekdays between 9.00 and 17.00. Feel free to visit us between those times. You don't need to make an appointment. Please drop by, call, or email us using the contact form below. 

Primary information point

The Patient Information Center is often the primary information point for patients. We can assist you with questions about your personal patient portal MijnAVL. Or if you are not our patient yet, with information about a second opinion. We would love to help you. You may find the following information on our website helpful as well.

Drie Vragen Boekjes (2)

Books about cancer

We have three booklets that you can pick up or order with us for free (in Dutch):

• 107 questions about cytostatics
• 86 questions about antihormonal therapy for breast cancer
• 80 questions about cancer & sexuality
Please order using the contact form

information session breast prosthetics by BVN

Women who underwent breast reconstructive surgery or who have external breast prosthetics after an amputation are often looking for independent advice. That's why the Dutch Breast Cancer Society (BVN) offers informative group sessions at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Many people consider these sessions to be a reliable and safe way to learn more and to ask questions.

Our sessions continue during COVID-19, so feel free to sign up.

Logo Borstkankervereniging Rozewit

Sign up for the information session

Information sessions are held once a month on Fridays between 10.00 and 12.00. Topics include external (partial) prosthetics, lingerie, swimwear, and where to buy them. Sign up at the Patient Information Center.
Please sign up using the contact form

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