Wait times

The Netherlands Cancer Institute provides up-to-date information about the current wait times for your first appointment and your first treatment.

Wait time for your first visit to the clinic

Your first visit may be a regular consultation, a second opinion, or rapid diagnostics appointment
The wait time for your first appointment will be calculated from the moment of planning until the appointment itself. Before planning your appointment or second opinion, our physicians will need 5 weekdays on average to consult your medical history and request additional data from your previous hospital.

Wait time for treatment

Wait time for surgery

Find a visual overview of our average wait times (median) before surgery below. This is the time between the moment that all physicians and the patient agree on the best treatment option and the anesthesiologist's approval until the actual date of the surgery.

After your first visit to the clinic and diagnostic tests, there may be some time during which you will need to come in for additional tests, and your treatment team will discuss the best treatment plan for you. Afterward, your physician will discuss your treatment option with you.

Wait times for radiation therapy or drug treatment

if you are receiving radiation therapy or drug treatment (such as chemotherapy), your wait time will be the time between the agreement on your treatment plan and the actual start of your treatment.

Understanding your wait times

We display the expected wait times per tumor type under the header "wait times". Visit our general quality information to find the appropriate tumor type.

We differentiate between the wait time until your first appointment/visit to the clinic, and your wait time until the start of your treatment.


Health care providers have entered an agreement on what wait times should be reasonable. These reasonable wait times are called Treeknormen in Dutch. The norm for a first appointment at the clinic or diagnostics is 4 weeks. For treatment, the norms allow for a wait time of 7 weeks. If treatment or surgery can only be provided by a small number of specialists, your wait time may be longer. Your wait time will also depend on your personal situation and physical health.

If your wait time exceeds the norm, you can discuss this with your practicing physician or health insurance provider. they can tell you more about your options for care mediation elsewhere. The wait times at the Netherlands Cancer Institute do not depend on your insurance provider.

Read more about maximum wait times and Treeknormen at zorgcijfers or the Dutch Health Care Authority.