Amenities and services

Vermaat, restaurant

Amenities and services

→ Restaurant
→ Coffee bar
→ Roof terrace
→ Living room Radiation therapy department
→ Living room Outpatient department
→ Patients' restaurants on every floor
Creatieve therapie_afdeling

Activity centre

You and your friends and family can find relaxation, distraction, or inspiration at our activity center; a place to craft, read, or play games.
More information about the Activity Center
internet, tablet, wifi

Digital and electronic services

→ Powerbanks (available at the reception)
→ Computer in the main hall
→ A screen for every bed
→ WiFi throughout the hospital
Gasthuis Van Het Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

Guest house (gasthuis)

Our patients and their family and loved ones are welcome to spend the night at the guest house. This modern house next to the Netherlands Cancer Institute can be your temporary home away from home.
more information about the Guest House

Quiet zone and multifaith prayer room

You can find our quiet zone in the main hall of the Netherlands Cancer Centre. This space is ideal for meditation, prayer, or relaxation.
Quiet zone and prayer room
Shutleservice Chaufeurs Leverancier

Shuttle service

The Netherlands Cancer Institute offers a free shuttle service to its patients and visitors. Our drivers will be happy to bring you from the parking lot to the main entrance on all week days between 8:00 and 17:00.