Laryngeal cancer

Laryngeal cancer is a type of cancer of the mucus membrane that develops in the vocal cords or epiglottis, the flap in the throat that prevents food from entering the lungs.

Find out more about the causes and symptoms, and the most commonly used diagnostic tests and treatment types for laryngeal cancer on this page.

Causes and symptoms

Laryngeal cancer most commonly occurs in men over the age of 50. Smoking or a family history of lung or throat cancer may play a role in its development. Alcohol use may play a role in the development of tumors of the epiglottis.

Common symptoms of tumors of the vocal cords are hoarseness, shortage of breath, and – when dealing with later stages – pain radiating towards the ears. Common symptoms of tumors of the epiglottis are problems swallowing, shortage of breath, and pain that occasionally radiates towards the ears.


The following diagnostic tests may be done to confirm or rule out laryngeal cancer:

Treatment options

Your exact treatment options will depend on the tumor type and stage. Your overall health and shape will also affect your options. We will inform you about the process beforehand, and you will have plenty of time to ask questions. Your treatment will most likely consist of one or more of the following treatments:

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