Mouth Cancer
Mouth cancer is a type of cancer that grows in the mucus membranes. The tumor usually develops on the tongue or the bottom of the mouth, and occasionally the inner lining of the cheeks. Mouth cancer is more common in men and usually develops after the age of 50.
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Find out more about the causes and symptoms, and the most commonly used diagnostic tests and treatment types for mouth cancer on this page.
Causes and symptoms
Smoking and alcohol use may play a role in the development of oral cancer. Chewing tobacco or paan, or even the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), may play a role in its development as well. If cancer in the mouth, throat, or lungs occurs in the family, you have a higher risk of developing the tumor type yourself.
Mouth cancer can cause various different symptoms. You may notice a small sore in the mouth that won’t heal, pain that radiates outward from the mouth towards the ears, trouble swallowing, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Your dentures may no longer fit.
Read more about our patient satisfaction rates, our specialists' expertise, treatment results and wait times for treatment for head and neck cancer.